Enjoy Exercise Hypnosis App Reviews

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There couldnt be a better app! This really works well.

Enjoy exercise hypnosis

Love the calming voice, and positive help to change your thinking!



This Thing Works!

I never believed in hypnosis before now but I have to say there is definitely something here!

Helps with chronic insomnia

Cant say whether it helps with a desire for exercise or encourages weight loss, but I use the pro version at bed to help me fall asleep.


Once you buy the app they make you pay AGAIN for the special features that are listed! I tried changing the fall asleep at the end or turn on the hypnotic booster and I was told I have to pay another $3.99 because Im issuing the free version! I paid for the app!

My favorite Hypnosis App!

This is the one peeps! If you a certified couch potato like me and would rather die than go to a gym, this is the app for you! I initially bought this and the eating healthy app. I listened to them both that first night. When I woke up the next morning my first thought was to ride my stationary bike (which I am doing as I type this!) then I had my usual to do list which included making cookies. More on that in my next review. I rode my bike and did various other exercises through out my day! Oh yeah this app totally works! BUY IT!


I like to exercise but could always talk myself out if it. Now its all I want to do, eat right and exercise.. This works!!


Instructions toooo long. Sorry cant do it. Too bad I never get to try the actual hypnosis out kuz I dont have time to be forced to listen to a shtity ad aka instructions for 10 hrs with no ability to skip past unless I pay! Really bad move devos :( disappointed

Best Choice of the Bunch

If you only download one out of the pack - this is the one to go with. It worked beautifully overnight and I woke up with a burning desire to exercise. After a week, I had to listen again but still -- it blew away the results I had with any other similar app.

Not sure

I have been using but havent seen a difference. More time must be needed since it has only been a week.

It really works

Love it Puts me to sleep Relaxing I exercise morr

Background music in few version…

…made my anxiety levels go up, it actually kind of freaked me out...

Didnt expect this to work!

Im very skeptical about hypnosis (especially $3 phone apps!) but this really seems to be working! I listen to the exercise, weight loos and eating healthy ones, and I have had no cravings for junk food, I want to exercise and Ive lost 6 pounds in 7 weeks. Worth every penny, I just wish I had found these earlier!


This app is amazing I lost all of my worries and felt relaxed this app works amazing I love it!!!!

Seems to be working.

Like others, I was skeptical, but my use of these hypnosis apps has improved my mood, diet, and motivation in just a week of use.


It works. I wish I didnt have to pay to be able to fast forward or rewind....but all the sessions from this line of apps..not sure who makes them- I like all of them so far. Most of the time I just zone out about ten minutes into it...most of the time i cant even remember the end because i fall asleep...i use these to sleep a lot...so maybe not their intended purpose. but whatever works. its a strange feeling, the relaxation you get. Its kind of like guided meditation but better.

Get music ready

Get your fave tunes set up! This works and I haaaaaaate to exercise. This app and some pumped up music has me moving :)

Great App.

Relaxing and mentally stimulating!


Love it very very much.

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